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  • 房产
  • 2024-12-20 22:24:50
  • 21
Which state are you going to in America? 谁帮你申请到这个学校的录取? Who applied for this school’s admission for you? 是你自己申请的学校吗? Did you apply by yourself? 3)、关于赴美留学的动机 你为什么要去美国? Why do you go to America?/ What is your purpose to go to America? 你为什么选择美国留学而不是其他国家? Why do you choose America to study rather than other foreign countries? 你有明确的学习计划吗? Do you have clear study plan? What’s your study plan? / Please let me know your study plan. 你花这么多钱去美国读书值得吗?你在中国也可以学习这个专业的知识而且费用又少,一定要去美国吗? Is it necessary for you to spend so much money studying in US? If you study this major in China,you can cost less while obtain the same knowledge, why choose the expensive way? 4)、关于工作背景和经历 你在单位做什么? What do you do in your company? 你的职位是什么? What’s your position? 你的收入怎样? How about your income / salary? 你的工作业绩? Do you have any achievements? 5)、关于资金和资助情况 你在美国一年花多少钱?完成学业一共要支出多少? How much will cost you every year in US? How much do you need to pay totally to complete all your studies? 你的资金担保够吗?一共提供了多少?谁为你提供的? Is your money / funds / financial warranty enough to cover all the cost / expenses / expenditure? How much do you have in all? / What is the amount of the financial warranty? Who provide the funds with you? / Who will offer you the money? / Who will pay for you? 6)、关于家庭背景情况 父母年收入有多少?父母在什么公司工作?职位?工作了多长时间? How much do your parents make per year? /How much is your family’s yearly / annual income? What are your parents’ companies?/ What companies do your parents working in? What’s your parents’ occupation /position? How many years have your parents worked for? / How long have your parents been working? 7)、归国计划和移民倾向 你打算在美国停留多长时间? For how long will you be staying in America? / Do you know the length of time of your stay? 你在美国的学习结束后有何打算?你接下来的计划是什么? What will you do after graduation? / What are you going to do when you graduate? What’s your follow-up plan after graduation? / What will you plan to do when you acquire the degree? 你打算回国吗?是什么原因使你必须回中国呢? Will you come back to China? Give me reasons that you will be sure to return to China? 为什么你一定要回国发展? 美国会提供更多公平的机会更高的收入,留在美国发展不是更好吗?你也能留在美国,为什么不在美国找个工作,为什么不留在美国?你能解释为什么实际上大部分中国学生都不回国而是留在美国吗? Are you sure you will come back home? / Why is it certain for you to return to China to develop? America will offer you more fair opportunities and higher salary, why don’t you choose to stay in US? You can also stay in America.Why don’t you find a job in America?Why don’t you stay in US? Can you explain why most Chinese students didn't come back? 你的梦想是什么?请讲一下你的职业发展目标?你如何证明你毕业后会回到中国? What is your dream? What is your career goal? / Could you please let me know your career development plan? How can you prove to me that you’ll come back after graduation? / Is there any proof you’ll return to China? 以上种种都是学生们实际遇到过的问题,通过这些问题,签证官会对你的留学目的进行判断,并评估你能否顺利在美国完成学业,在这些问题中第2、3、7最为重要,答错必拒!希望同学们可以注意。 声明: 1. 本公众号所发布内容,凡未注明“原创”等字样的均来源于网络善意转载,版权归原作者所有! 2.除本平台独家和原创,其他内容非本平台立场; 3.如千辛万苦未找到原作者或原始出处,请理解并联系我们; 4.文中部分图片源于网络。 ▼▼▼ 如何获得美国 资深留学规划名师的指导 ? 美国留学专家! 获取一对一咨询哦! ▼▼▼ 最近爆火的 MBTI职业性格测试 你想测一测吗? ▼▼▼ 美国留学更多精彩内容 戳下面的图片查看热门文章哦! 解封在即!美国新冠感染率下降2/3!纽约,伊州取消强制口罩令! 华尔街顶尖投行最喜爱的10所美国大学! 人在国外,身份证件过期怎么办? ▼▼▼ 想知道自己的成绩 能够申请到什么样的美国大学? 扫描下方二维码预约免费的留学评估! 美研热门专业薪资排行!哪个起薪高?加薪快? 【中文版】2021年U.S.News全美最佳研究生院排名发布! 2020年去美国留学,你青睐的专业将遇冷还是更热? ▲点击标题下方蓝色小字关注“ 美国留学申请”微信公众号,新鲜的留学资讯,有趣的留学故事,实用的留学干货,海外趣闻(●′ω`●) ! ▲全天专家在线,不管什么留学问题都可以直接在公众号【对话框】输入提问!

